16 Bit MMorpg Wikia

Woodcutting is a skill that allows the player to cut down wood to craft using carpenter. Your base drop rate will increase by the equation woodcuttinglevel/4%. Here are some charts of the logs you can chop and also the tools you can use.

Woodcutting Tools

Tool Level Required Drop Rate Bonus
Zincite Axe 1 5%
Ionite Axe 5 10%
Tecite Axe 20 15%
Gold Axe 25 20%
Platinum Axe 45 25%
Obsidianite Axe 60 30%
Diarite Axe 75 40%

Chop Logs

Logs Level Required Base Drop Rate Experience
Oak 1 40% 45
Spruce 15 40% 75
Birch 30 40% 110
Jungle 45 40% 150
Dark Oak 60 30% 225
Acacia 75 30% 300

Log Locations

Logs Location
Oak Highlands
Spruce Highlands / Mountains of Ishgar
Birch Mountains of Ishgar
Jungle Nethera
Dark Oak Nethera
Acacia Not Released Yet